It happens every year, but it's still impressive. It's also tiring if you need to shovel a driveway or a car out from under the snow. But, once that's done, it's one of the most beautiful and peaceful scenes you could ever imagine.
This is a view down my street in Arlington taken today in the afternoon. This morning, I walked down this street, took a left, and had a coffee and croissant at one of the best bakeries in the area--Quebrada Bakery. Chatted with a couple of neighbors and looked over Saturday's NYTimes. Heaven.
The day before, one house over going in the opposite direction, I
attended a great little Christmas party. There, I learned that my
neighbor is a very accomplished violinist. She may be the music
buddy I've been looking for around here.
She suggested going to
see an opera put on by the MET and broadcast live on HD at a
local movie theater. That could be fun!
In a couple of days, I'll be in
Miami and photos like these will
seem like a fantasy. But my sons and I can tell stories about
the snow and enjoying our quiet time inside. (They were happily
stuck at their grandmother's place over the weekend.) I hope
to have some contrasting pictures of our Miami trip later.