Sunday, October 12, 2008

First day of school in September

Here's another historical artifact. This is me and Davis walking on our way to school, the Thomspson Elementary School in Arlington. It's only three long blocks away from my apartment. I should have shaved! Davis looks psyched, and he was. The first week was a little tough for him, getting to know new school and new kids. He's doing well now.

There's a bunch of kids about Davis's age that go to that school. We usually get together at 8:00 and walk to school together as a caravan. When everybody goes at once, there is (in ascending age, more or less) -- Mosha, Noah, Mika (briefly, before she goes to pre-school), Ben, Sophie, Aviva, Ezra, Davis, and Ellen. It's a nice way to start the morning. It's also not too early.

We usually wait in a courtyard with a lot of other kids before the morning bell at 8:10ish. Davis always plays tag with about 4 to 6 of his classmates before class starts. If there's time after Davis starts school, Ben will play in the playground for a little. When Ben and I walk back, Ben is usually on my shoulders. Then it's off to Ben's pre-school at 9:00.

I love Arlington -- it's good to be here.


Ben said...

Hi Mark, Ben Railton here (I used to have a blog and thus login but can't remember it now!).

It's very good to be able to catch up a bit with you guys this way--I can't believe how big the boys are, and it sounds like you're all doing really well.

I'm still planning on giving you a call soon to catch up more, but just wanted to say hi this way now.

Take care!

Ben said...

PS. Guess I did remember my login.

Mark Rennella said...

Hi Ben:

Good to hear from you. Looking forward to meeting you again soon.
